Friday, October 5, 2007


Who needs the Lasalle marathon anyway? ha-ha I can't believe I got through this.
I have become utterly obsessed with finishing the ten things. I have spent way to much time on them. It was like a game I had to finish. I know that there was no pressure from anyone to be done with them this quickly and yet, I had to be done.

But now that its "over" I find that it is really just begun. I know that I will go back and set up some things for myself now. But WU HU!!! I feel such a sense of accomplishment (and I have no idea why)

But anyway, this post is about Thing #10.

I spend a lot of time searching the library's website before the 10 things. Being in the youth lab, I have found that it is very helpful knowing what is on there. Yet, for all my searching I always found the digital books to be very intimidating. I personally, love the feel of books and the idea of reading a book online ...well, its not my favorite thing. Nonetheless, I do like that it is available to me. Had it not been for this journey I don't think that is something I would ever have done. And as cool as it was to find a book I wanted to read and to download it onto the computer--it will never replace the love I have for actual books. Personally, I think a lot of people feel the same way I do. Then again, that could just be me, thinking everyone thinks like me. ha-ha

Seriously though, I am so happy that we as a library have this as a resource for our patrons. It can be very helpful and there seems to be so many books out there. Who knew?

I think it would be great if we had a staff picks link on the website that simply listed the staff picks. I understand that this may be hard to do but sometimes I think people just want a list. I think patrons really value what the staff thinks and having access to a link like that might be the sort of personal touch that could make the Skokie Public Library website all the better. As it is the link on the website makes you choose by name - but sometimes a patron may not know a person's name. It was a just a thought; you let me know what you think.


rich said...

way to go. that's pretty impressive that you finished in the first week!

Karen Soto said...
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Karen Soto said...

I know, I don't know what got into me.

vtam3 said...

Arg, you beat me!