Friday, September 28, 2007

A Blog to start Blogs

My hope is that someone actually reads this blog. I think this "10 things @spl" is a really great idea-honestly! It's really nice to have a reason to access some of this technology and it'll be great to be able to pass the knowledge forward.

Anyway, Hi! For those of you who don't know who I am I'm Karen in The YS Lab. I'm usually tucked away in the corner on the first floor so I don't really get to talk to many of you. For those of you that do know me- Hola! and for those of you that don't "Nice to meet you!" Don't be afraid to say hello to me if you see me.

I've been here at the library for almost a year now and I have to say that I really love it. I get to work with kids and technology- two of my favorite things. For my day job - I'm a teacher at CPS so coming here is like a breath of fresh air. Hopefully, I didn't bore you and you had fun reading this. Just in case you wanted to take a look- I posted some pictures of my classroom.

1 comment:

The Skokie Ten said...

Looks great, Karen! Love the color scheme.

We're looking forward to reading your experiences with the 10 Things!
